The League of Women Voters is a non-partisan political organization that encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government.

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Celebrate your Successes!

Request for Award Nominations
Convention 2010: 90 Years of Making Democracy Work: A History of Change. A Future of Hope.
June 11-15, Atlanta, Georgia

At our 49th biennial national convention, LWVUS wants to recognize the outstanding work of our state and local Leagues. We invite Leagues to submit nominations for outstanding program work in the following areas: Connection with Community, Pioneer, Online Engagement, and Strengthening Democracy through Reform. Please see below for the criteria and definition for these awards as well as how to apply. The deadline for submitting nominations is April 19, 2010. If you have questions, please contact Sarah Peterson at

As League leaders, we recognize that it takes more than an interesting topic to make a good program and to impact our communities. It takes hands-on and hard work to educate the public, advocate for change, and to sustain the organization. That is why, in addition to evaluating the program itself, we will be evaluating all of the elements that make a program successful, such as organizational growth, membership recruitment, and community outreach.

To be eligible, program work must be completed between July 1, 2008 and June 30, 2010. Leagues may submit applications for more than one award; by filling out additional nomination forms.

Award winners will be recognized during the plenary session at Convention 2010. However, award winners do not have to be present at Convention to win.

We encourage you to submit your award nomination by using the Online Awards Application Form. This form has been created to ease your nomination process. However, if you prefer to submit a form by email, please click on the appropriate category below for a word document where you can insert your answers. Please answer all question fields relating to your project.

All nominations must be received by April 19, 2010. All nominations will be sent directly to Sarah Peterson at for review upon completion.


Connection with the Community – This category is for programs in which Leagues engage their communities to address a local concern. Programs in this category might include a community dialogue around a local issue, citizen training on how to facilitate public meetings, efforts to engage youth in civic life, or other public engagement projects.

1. Describe the project, including the date of the program/project, communities and populations being served and participation level (e.g. number attended) if applicable.
2. Describe how the project impacted your League in terms of membership, recruitment and organizational growth (e.g. did you recruit new members or identify new leaders).
3. Please describe what types of community outreach and visibility efforts were undertaken during this project (e.g. an article in the local newspaper promoting your event, posting your event information on your website or other venues, etc.).
4. How did your League succeed in engaging the community around issues of local concern (e.g. citizen trainings, engaging youth in civic life, community dialogue)?

Online Engagement – This category is for innovative, online engagement projects. This might include creating dynamic website content, utilizing blogs or social networking platforms, or working with other technologies to engage the public in the League’s work.

1. Please provide your League's Website address and any passwords (if applicable).
2. When did your League first make this website/online function/technology available to users?
3. How does your website/online function/technology serve its different audiences (e.g. your members, the public)?
4. Please describe your League's website/online function/technology's best feature.
5. Does your League's website/online function/technology engage its users and promote the League's work?

Pioneer – This category is for programs and activities that are unique, innovative and have been especially successful in recruiting members and gaining visibility for LWV. Programs in this category might include holding a community award event, forming a novel partnership with an allied organization, or other new, leading or “cutting edge” programs or activities.

1. Describe the project, including the date of the program/project, communities and populations being served and participation level (e.g. number attended) if applicable.
2. Describe how the project impacted your League in terms of membership, recruitment and organizational growth (e.g. did you recruit new members or identify new leaders).
3. Describe the types of community outreach and visibility efforts that were undertaken as part of this project.
4. Describe how this project was especially unique and innovative.

Strengthening Democracy through Reform – This category is for programs that strengthen our democracy through promoting reform. Programs in this category might include activating the grassroots to advocate for change, leading a coalition to advance a policy change, working on a ballot or legislative initiative, or other efforts to promote change.

1. Describe the project, including the date of the program/project, communities and populations being served and participation level (e.g. number attended) if applicable. How was this type of reform achieved?
2. Describe how the project impacted your League in terms of membership, recruitment and organizational growth (e.g. did you recruit new members or identify new leaders).
3. Please describe what types of community outreach and visibility efforts were undertaken during this project (e.g. grassroots advocating, advancing policy change, legislative initiatives or other efforts to promote change). What are your League's next efforts for continuing this reform?

Related Files
Connection with the Community (Word Document)
Online Engagement (Word Document)
Pioneer (Word Document)
Strengthening Democracy through Reform (Word Document)

A Discussion on the State Budget

Date: Tomorrow, Thursday, April 15
Time:7:00 pm
Location:Princeton Township Municipal Building, 400 Witherspoon Street, Princeton
Free and Open to the Public

The League of Women Voters of the Princeton Area invites you to attend an important discussion on the state budget. The speaker will be Mary Forsberg, Interim President of New Jersey Policy Perspective, and she will discuss where the state budget stands and will have suggestions and ideas about what you can do.
League of Women Voters of New Jersey
to Receive the Prestigious Marilyn Morheuser Humanitarian Award
Please join us for the award ceremony, "A Wine and Food Tasting Celebrating Public Education", hosted by the Education Law Center.

Date: Tuesday, April 27, 2010
Time: 6 pm - 8 pm
Location: Heldrich Hotel, 10 Livingston Ave, New Brunswick
Tickets: $50 - Purchase tickets today

Long-time League member Judith Cambria and the League of Women Voters of New Jersey will be recognized at this event for their outstanding achievements assuring that New Jersey school children are educated in physical facilities that are safe, healthy, and conducive to learning.

The Education Law Center presents the award in memory of Marilyn Morheuser who worked as a lawyer to give students an opportunity for an equal education. It is a privilege to accept an award in Ms. Morheuser's name and we are extremely proud of Judith Cambria's hard work and her dedication to education equality and the children of our state.

Proceeds benefit the "Kids in Concert" program which gives children in urban public schools the opportunity to explore their musical talents.
"Coffee and Conversation" Series - Affordable Housing

Date: Tuesday, April 27
Time:10 am
Location:Private Address in Montclair
If you are interested in attending please email for additional details.

The League of Women Voters of the Montclair Area will kick off a new series, "Coffee and Conversation", with a discussion on affordable housing. The speaker and discussion leader will be Beverly Riddick, Director of HomeCorp, a nonprofit affordable housing agency in Montclair.